A surprising number of people -- including many people with disabilities -- do not take advantage of the Earned Income Tax Credit. The IRS is encouraging potential recipients to apply.
Long-term care insurance policyholders were dealt a blow by the Oregon Supreme Court when it ruled that the state's elder financial abuse statute does not apply to their case.
What portion of a lawsuit award or settlement can go to the state to reimburse Medicaid? The new congressional budget deal finally clarifies the situation..
The government is spending billions to fund assisted living services through Medicaid, but government oversight and regulation of assisted living facilities is lacking, according to a new [...]
Are you ready for old age? This essential and empowering guide addresses the important issues and points reders to a myriad of resources to help them plan for [...]
Older parents are becoming more common, driven in part by changing cultural mores and surrogate motherhood. Steve Martin, Billy Joel, and Janet Jackson are some examples. But [...]