Prepaying for your funeral is one way to ease the burden on your family following your death and make sure your wishes are carried out. But pre-paid funeral plans come with risks, so you need [...]
With careful Medicaid planning, you may be able to preserve some of your estate for your children or other heirs while meeting the Medicaid asset limit.
Reports of elder financial abuse continue to increase, and the elderly are particularly vulnerable to scams or to financial abuse by family members in need of money.
Among the many challenges for families is making sure there will always be enough money to provide lifetime care for special needs children. One solution is to fund a special needs trust with [...]
New federal immigration rules are are a return to an earlier era when people with disabilities were barred from the nation's shores, disability rights advocates charge in a lawsuit.
An annuity can be a useful tool for long-term care planning, but annuities are also complex financial products that are hard to understand. If purchasing an annuity, you need to consider your [...]
Eliminating a cruel quirk in federal bankruptcy law, newly enacted legislation protects veterans disability benefits from creditors in bankruptcy proceedings.
A new report finds that almost no retirees are making financially optimal decisions about when to take Social Security and are losing out on more than $100,000 per household in the process.
In order to be eligible for Medicaid, you cannot have transferred assets recently. Congress does not want you to move into a nursing home on Monday, give all your money to your children (or [...]